PC^2 sucks.
[andmenj-acm.git] / Mi manual de algoritmos / version_maraton_suramericana_2008 / src / geometria / is_inside_concave_polygon.cpp
1 /*********
2 * Point *
3 *********
4 * A simple point class used by some of the routines below.
5 * Anything else that supports .x and .y will work just as
6 * well. There are 2 variants - double and int.
7 **/
8 struct P { double x, y; P() {}; P( double q, double w ) : x( q ), y( w ) {} };
9 struct P { int x, y; P() {}; P( int q, int w ) : x( q ), y( w ) {} };
11 /***************
12 * Polar angle *
13 ***************
14 * Returns an angle in the range [0, 2*Pi) of a given Cartesian point.
15 * If the point is (0,0), -1.0 is returned.
17 * include math.h
18 * define EPS 0.000000001, or your choice
19 * P has members x and y.
20 **/
21 double polarAngle( P p )
23 if( fabs( p.x ) <= EPS && fabs( p.y ) <= EPS ) return -1.0;
24 if( fabs( p.x ) <= EPS ) return ( p.y > EPS ? 1.0 : 3.0 ) * acos( 0 );
25 double theta = atan( 1.0 * p.y / p.x );
26 if( p.x > EPS ) return( p.y >= -EPS ? theta : ( 4 * acos( 0 ) + theta ) );
27 return( 2 * acos( 0 ) + theta );
30 /************************
31 * Point inside polygon *
32 ************************
33 * Returns true iff p is inside poly.
34 * PRE: The vertices of poly are ordered (either clockwise or
35 * counter-clockwise.
36 * POST: Modify code inside to handle the special case of "on an edge".
38 * polarAngle()
39 * include math.h
40 * include vector
41 * define EPS 0.000000001, or your choice
42 **/
43 bool pointInPoly( P p, vector< P > &poly )
45 int n = poly.size();
46 double ang = 0.0;
47 for( int i = n - 1, j = 0; j < n; i = j++ )
49 P v( poly[i].x - p.x, poly[i].y - p.y );
50 P w( poly[j].x - p.x, poly[j].y - p.y );
51 double va = polarAngle( v );
52 double wa = polarAngle( w );
53 double xx = wa - va;
54 if( va < -0.5 || wa < -0.5 || fabs( fabs( xx ) - 2 * acos( 0 ) ) < EPS )
57 assert( false );
58 ang += 2 * acos( 0 );
59 continue;
61 if( xx < -2 * acos( 0 ) ) ang += xx + 4 * acos( 0 );
62 else if( xx > 2 * acos( 0 ) ) ang += xx - 4 * acos( 0 );
63 else ang += xx;
65 return( ang * ang > 1.0 );